今天收到一個學生的來信問 hear 和 listen to 是不是意思不同?

我的答案是: 對喔! hear 和 listen to 雖然中文都是 "聽" , 但英文的意思及用法有一點點的不一樣

hear 的意思是指不經意的聽到=overhear

(如, 走在走廊上, 不小心聽到一個八卦 hear a gossip; 或者, 聽著耳機念書, 然後 hear my favorite song 聽到電台傳來我最喜歡的歌)

hear 的動詞三態為: hear, heard, heard

overhear 的動詞三態為: overhear, overheard, overheard


而 listen to 則是指 "聚精會神的聽"

如: 我們大家都坐下來 listen to Jackson sing 聽 Jackson 唱歌; 我喜歡 listen to the music 聽音樂; 你應該 listen to your mother 聽你媽媽的話

listen 的動詞三態為: listen, listened, listened



I heard a girl shouting on the street last night. 我昨晚聽到一個女孩在街上大叫 (我本來可能在睡覺, 不經意聽見)

Did you hear anything about me? 你有聽到任何關於我的事嗎?

Yes, I heard them talking about you. But I didn't listen to it. 有阿, 我有聽到他們在談論你, 但我沒有聽內容

We went to the concert and listened to the singer sing. 我們去聽那個歌手的演唱會(專程去聽)

My mother heard the singer sing on the radio and felt excited. 我媽媽在廣播聽到那個歌手唱歌而感覺興奮



    創作者 陳老師英文家教 的頭像

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