pic from here
答案是: 嘴巴甜的人!!
大家都說, 不打笑臉人~
常常真心的讚美別人(compliment people), 說出好聽的話及適當的回應(appropriate reply), 是增進人和人之間距離(distance between two people) 最好的潤滑劑
今天, 我們就來學學一些聽起來真心的讚美及其適當的回應吧~
#1: 朋友好久不見的場合 (Occasion with a friend who you haven't seen for a long time)
A: Wow! I haven't seen you for a long time/for a while. You look great! (哇! 好久不見了! 你看起來氣色真棒!)
B: Thanks. You look fabulous, too. (謝謝, 你看起來也很美/棒!)
1. for a long time/for a while 指的是很長的一段時間
2. fabulour 形容詞: 極好的
#2: 帶禮物去朋友家拜訪 (Visit your friend with something)
A: I like the way you decorated your place!(我喜歡你家的裝潢)
B: Thanks. Would you like a tour?(謝謝, 要參觀一下嗎? )
A: I would love that. Oh, this is for you. It's nothing, just some chocolate muffin.(好阿! 喔, 這是給你的, 沒什麼, 只是一些巧克力馬芬鬆餅-> 見下圖)
B: Thank you. It's very nice of you. (謝謝, 你真好!)
pic from wikipedia
1. decorate 動詞: 裝潢/裝飾; 名詞是decoration, 你也可以說: I love the decoration of your place.
2. tour 指的是旅遊; would you like a tour? 的意思是問對方要不要帶他參觀一下; would you... 是用來做邀請之意
在國外, 當人家去參觀你家時, 禮貌上應該帶客人參觀一下你家喔
#3: 稱讚別人的穿著或身上的行頭(很常用, 男女適用) (To compliment people's outfit)
A: I love your purse/shoes/hat/tie (我喜歡你的皮包(女用)/鞋子/帽子/領帶)
B: Thanks. Yours is not bad! (謝謝, 你的也不賴)
#4: 當接受別人幫忙時(When someone helps you)
A: Here, let me help you. (來, 讓我幫你)
B: Oh, thank you. You are so sweet. (喔, 謝謝你, 你人真好)
1. sweet 指的是甜的; 但 You are so sweet 是指對方的心地很好; 很善良的意思