今天北北基放颱風假(call off school and work), 大家不知都在家做什麼呢?


1. call off v. 取消

e.g. The meeting has been called off due to the approaching typhoon.

(因為颱風的來臨, 會議被取消了。)

2. hit by the typhoon 遭受颱風侵襲

hit 在這裡為動詞(hit-hit-hit), 表示[侵襲]

e.g. Taiwan is often hit by typhoons in summer, especially in July and August.

(台灣在夏天, 特別是七月和八月常會受颱風的侵襲。)

3. strong winds n. 強風/heavy rains =torrential rains 豪雨

4. blow down v. 吹倒

5. cause severe damage v. 造成嚴重的損害

6. disaster n. 災害

7. crops n. 農作物


a. The approaching typhoon will bring strong winds and heavy rains(torrential rains).


b. The strong winds blew down trees and caused severe damage to the crops. Luckily, it didn't cause any disaster.

(強風吹倒樹並且對農作物造成嚴重的損害。但幸運的, 它沒有造成任何的災害。)


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