唉阿, 最近禽流感又爆發了
1. bird flu=avian flu n. 禽流感
2. n. outbreak n. 爆發
3. The Council of Agriculture n. 農委會
4. poultry n. 家禽 (eg. ducks, goose, chicken)
5. virus n. 病毒
6. infected by... 被...感染
7. The Cabinet 內閣 (cabinet 也作衣櫥)
8. establish v. 建立
9. operation center n. 運作中心/控制中心
10. in a bid to = in order to= try to 試著
11. contain=control v. 控制 (contain 也作容納)
Example sentences:
1. The Council of Agriculture (農委會)says說 19 out of 86 (86個其中19個) of the island's poultry(台灣的家禽) so far
tested for traces of the virus(檢驗病毒) have been found(被發現) to be infected(被感染) by bird flu.
農委會說, 檢驗86個本島家禽, 其中有19個目前被檢驗出感染
2. The Cabinet (內閣) has established(已經成立) an emergency operations center(緊急控制中心) in a bid to(試著)
contain(控制) the current outbreak of avian flu(已經爆發的禽流感).