words to know

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  1. award n. 獎
  2. expert n. 專家
  3. snowflake (corn flake) n. 雪花
  4. stay indoors/stay outdoors 待在室內/室外
  5. snowstorm n. 暴風雪
  6. flurry (a sudden fall of snow) n. 陣雪
  7. drift v. 飄 (to move slowly)
  8. spot=see=notice v.  注意
  9. glittery a. 閃亮的(produce a lot of flashes)
  10. crystal n. 結晶體 (a solid substance with regular shape) (ice crystal/salt crystal)
  11. wait for v. 等待
  12. shoot pictures v. 拍照
  13. snapshot=photograph n. 照片
  14. earn sb. N 使..人贏得
  15. science photographer n. 科學攝影師
  16. to learn more about N. 學得更多...
  17. shape n.  形狀
  18. vapor n. 水蒸氣=steam
  19. freeze v. 結冰
  20. hexagon n. 六邊形
  21. mystery n. 謎團
  22. snowy a. 下雪的
  23. image n. 影像
  24. adventure n. 冒險
  25. far from over 尚未結束
  26. journey v. 旅行=travel
  27. treasure hunt n. 尋寶
  28. stick v. 黏
  29. microscope n. 顯微鏡 (scope n. 範圍/telescope 望遠鏡/magnifier n. 放大鏡=magnifying glass)
  30. fancy a. 花俏的
  31. equipment n. 設備


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  2. 關代當主詞
  3. enjoy+Ving


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