[GEPT 中高級字彙]
immune adj. 免疫的
=resistant to
1. Some people are immune to HIV. They are resistant to HIV infection.
有些人對愛滋免疫, 他們不會感染愛滋
2. immune system 免疫系統
immunity n. 免疫力
boost immunity 提升免疫力
v. 加速
=speed up
1. For we are getting late, he accelerates the car and passes through the red light.
因為我們要遲到了, 他車子加速, 然後闖了紅燈
2. To hasten learning, the teacher tried to tell his students some examples.
為了加速學習(增進學習), 老師試著告訴學生們幾個例子
acceleration n. 加速
Telling students more examples will cause learning acceleration.
decelerate v. 減速
For safety, always remember to decelerate your car when it is raining.
為了安全起見, 下雨天請永遠要記得開車減速
deceleration n. 減速
Pressure from parents sometimes causes learning deceleration.